I asked the lady if I could take picture of her and she said something to the effect of “as long as you don’t mind taking a photo of an old lady with missing teeth”, (for you Amharic speakers, “a wolaka arogit” as she put it). I knew the setting was special when I took the photo, but it wasn’t until I got home and saw it on a large screen that I fell in love with the visual story.

Since then, it’s been the only photo that I’ve auctioned and donated to several charity events.

According to my Adobe Lightroom library, I currently have 89,340 photos that I’ve taken in the last 9 years. I’m sure I’ve taken a little over 30,000 more that live on hard drives, or on film rolls in my “to be developed” box.

This picture is by far my favorite of all the photos that I’ve taken. I captured this photo of an old lady spinning cotton yarn on the edge of the Blue Nile waterfall (Tis Issat Or Tissisat) in Ethiopia, during a short hike with my mother and brother.